I’ve noticed a number of potential issues with the documentation for the /Road/{ids}/Disruption endpoint:
There appears to be a mismatch between the output returned and the XML response schema. For example, when testing this endpoint against a road (e.g. A406), the response includes:
“crs”: {
“type”: “name”,
“properties”: {
“name”: “EPSG:4326”
However, these data elements are not in the XML response schema - can you check this please?
A number of the data elements are missing descriptions - some of these are obvious, but it would be good to have descriptions provided for these:
RoadDisruption: publishEndDate
RoadDisruption: timeframe
RoadDisruption: roadDisruptionLines
RoadDisruption: roadDisruptionImpactAreas
RoadDisruption: recurringSchedules
DbGeography: geography
RoadProject: projectId
RoadProject: schemeName
RoadProject: projectName
RoadProject: projectDescription
RoadProject: projectPageUrl
RoadProject: consultationPageUrl
RoadProject: consultationStartDate
RoadProject: consultationEndDate
RoadProject: constructionStartDate
RoadProject: constructionEndDate
RoadProject: boroughsBenefitted
RoadProject: cycleSuperhighwayId
RoadProject: phase
RoadProject: contactName
RoadProject: contactEmail
RoadProject: projectSummaryPageUrl
RoadProject: externalPageUrl
RoadDisruptionLineL id
RoadDisruptionLine: roadDisruptionId
RoadDisruptionLine: isDiversion
RoadDisruptionLine: multiLineString
RoadDisruptionLine: startDate
RoadDisruptionLine: endDate
RoadDisruptionLine: startTime
RoadDisruptionLine: endTime
RoadDisruptionImpactArea: identifier
RoadDisruptionImpactArea: roadDisruptionId
RoadDisruptionImpactArea: polygon
RoadDisruptionImpactArea: startDate
RoadDisruptionImpactArea: endDate
RoadDisruptionImpactArea: startTime
RoadDisruptionImpactArea: endTime
RoadDisruptionSchedule: startTime
RoadDisruptionSchedule: endTime
DbGeographyWellKnownValue: coordinateSystemId
DbGeographyWellKnownValue: wellKnownTest
DbGeographyWellKnownValue: wellKnownBinary
As well as descriptions, would it be possible to know the lengths of these data elements and whether all of them are optional or if some are mandatory?
Hi @Waseem, where are you getting the XML schema from? If I go to the Swagger documentation and click on response schema, I see at least a name and data type for every element in the response.
I generated all my java models using the swagger specification (https://api.tfl.gov.uk/swagger/docs/v1) and it’s failing to deserialise these properties.
Hi @fcovas I think what’s happening here is that for JSON we override the serialisation of DbGeography to be GeoJSON. This is mentioned in the documentation::
This is not being picked up in the Swagger spec (because Swashbuckle doesn’t detect our override when it generates the Swagger file). I’ll create a ticket to try and find a fix for that SVC-4636. In the meantime I’m afraid you might have to override your generated Java types so that they match our response.
I figured something like that was happening, I was just expecting the entities generated by the swagger file to have that into account. I made a workaround and made a custom deserialisation for DbGeography.
Just one note about the geojson. According to the latest specification (RFC 7946: The GeoJSON Format), the crs field is no longer included. By default all the geometries are in WGS84. See sections “4. Coordinate Reference System” and “B.1. Normative Changes”. Trying to decode the geojson returned by the api is failing in some libs because of this.