Error 500 to get tiemtable for route 521


We are unable to get the timetable for 521 via Unified API:

Here is an example of request we are using to get the data for this route:
This is the URL of request for timetable data, originating from Stop 490000254H - Waterloo Station / Tenison Way:{{app_id}}&app_key={{app_key}}

This is the response:

{ “$type”: “Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.ApiError, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities”, “timestampUtc”: “2020-08-03T12:06:05.8556725Z”, “exceptionType”: “ApiException”, “httpStatusCode”: 500, “httpStatus”: “InternalServerError”, “relativeUri”: “/Line/521/Timetable/490000254H?app_id=7ee4462e&app_key=5f6f7845bc979e2393caeb01a59d0c9f”, “message”: “No timetable available for 490000254H > 1003713, outbound > H, 521 > 48521.” }

Could you pleae advise us.

Kind regards

Unfortunately, there are currently a lot of 500 (and other) errors in /Line/Timetable. See here for more detail. We’re waiting on a response from the Devs.

Thanks, by the way, @kiki (and @nathanodong) for showing me that there is actually a response text with a code 500, had not realised this.

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No problem, @nickp. I think even the response text doesn’t show up every time there is an error 500.

@kiki, if you refresh enough times it will load. That’s really the best we have right now until the devs have look into it.

Hi @jamesevans, is this a known issue? Is this being looked at?


Hi @nathanodong , @jamesevans ,

There appear to have been no updates to the data since the one dated 28 July. Has the hamster who spins the wheel gone on holiday?

The error 500s are a bigger issue, I think. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s quite inconvenient having to make multiple requests to get it to work.

Hi @nathanodong ,
Following your suggestion that the 500 error can be resolved by retrying, I have rewritten my loader to be more aggressive. My low-level routine was already on try-3-times, but the upper-level one is now set to keep retrying as long as it makes progress in each pass.

The update dated 18/8/2020 gave the following results:
Total no of requests to be made: 1783
Outstanding (i.e. error 500) after each pass:
1st 268
2nd 127
3rd 16
4th 2
5th 0

@jamesevans - I have the details as to which requests were causing the problems, if you need them

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Nice find, @nickp!

This is a weird issue. Presumably the official TfL website uses the same feed? It works 100% of the time there but accessing the endpoint directly doesn’t…