"Gets the timetable for a specified station on the give line"


thats the link that should according to the Unified API “Gets the timetable for a specified station on the give line”

line jubilee and Naptan code 9400ZZLUBND if for Bond Street (have also tried others).
Now I drive the Jubilee line and I can 100% assure that it does indeed call at Bond Street and all other stations I have tried yet the API returns


"$type": "Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.ApiError, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities",
"timestampUtc": "2017-09-04T08:56:01.449197Z",
"exceptionType": "ApiArgumentException",
"httpStatusCode": 400,
"httpStatus": "BadRequest",
"relativeUri": "/Line/jubilee/Timetable/9400ZZLUBND",
"message": "No direction could be found for stop: 9400ZZLUBND on line: jubilee. The line may not serve this stop."


“No direction could be found for stop: 9400ZZLUBND on line: jubilee. The line may not serve this stop.”

it does. I promise it does

I’ve got Bond Street as 940GZZLUBND which returns a disambiguation response between inbound and outbound, but at least it’s not a ‘no such station’ message

https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/Mode/Tube gives both as correct for Bond street. The entire API is just pure guess and good luck it seems

Note that the https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/Mode/Tube API call gives every StopPoint in the database that’s associated with the tube, this includes the point for the overall station (stopType: NaptanMetroStation), as well as associated StopPoints for the station concourse(s) (stopType: NaptanMetroAccessArea), station entrances (stopType: NaptanMetroEntrance), and individual platforms (stopType: NaptanMetroPlatform).

Each place inside of the station is related to the station’s primary StopPoint using the stationNaptan field, conversely, the primary StopPoint will list each of its child StopPoints in its children field.

In the case of platforms, the lines they serve will be present in the lines, lineGroup and lineModeGroups fields.

For example, Bond Street’s primary StopPoint is 940GZZLUBND.
It has child StopPoints for the station concourse (9400ZZLUBND), its 7 entrances (4900ZZLUBND1-7), and 3 platforms (940ZZLUBND1-3).

Full information on how to interpret the Naptan-derived StopPoint data (at least as it is specified nationally) is available here: National public transport access nodes - GOV.UK

Additional notes:

  1. Naptan IDs for entrances appear to start with 490, stations and platforms with 940. This initially confused me when glancing at the data. Naptan ID prefixes represent the region that allocated them, 490 is Greater London, 940 is the national code used by the DfT. These prefixes should thus not be used to determine the stop type.

  2. I’m not sure why Bond Street only has 3 platforms in the database, as opposed to 4 or 2.

  3. The Naptan database has a multi-modal hierarchy of StopPoint associations, so you’ll see bus stop clusters outside of stations associated with the station itself. (I’ve omitted it from the above explanation for clarity).