Journey Planner Datastore file oddities/errors

A new 312 file this week. Oh good, that will correct he errors, won’t it?

Oh no it won’t. It has exactly the same issue as the previous file (and the WTT). How on earth has this not been sorted out by now, nearly three months after the route change occurred?

The N21 OTH/PTP flaw persists but does not affect passenger information.

The Mitcham temp[ timetables are now in operation so that should get rid of that problem.

The 312 issue persists. For all the nudging you have done, chaps, you seem to be being ignored.

N21 still the same too.

The only 395 file in the JP zip file this week has a start date of 23rd June. This may explain why the map for the 395 on is showing no buses. On the other hand Journey Planner itself is showing a service and so too is London Vehicle Finder (and this Countdown). I understand that it is tricky knowing exactly when a diversion (which I believe is the issue with the 395) are going to end.

@jamesevans @GerardButler
Looking at this weekend’s bus WTTs update, quite a few routes had new times at the weekend without having appeared in the Datastore JP zip file earlier in the week. Specifically routes 65 71 122 166X 195 201 379 and N65. This presumably means that Journey Planner itself would not have had access to the new times until a few days before they went live, which would be unfortunate.

I raise it now because it is something that seems to have become more common in recent weeks.

312 is still the same mess BTW. I think N21 is being replaced by a new file, hopefully without the discrepancy.

Hi @mjcarchive

The timetables you have mentioned have defects that have caused them to fail import into the Journey Planner system (and hence the TxC output).

These issues have been reported back to the relevant teams in London Buses and we will import these as soon as possible once resolutions are given.

The 312 has been chased a number of times but we’re still waiting for a datafix.

Many thanks,

Mostly still not there this week, except possibly the 201.

@jamesevans @GerardButler
The new 27 file (61399) has different stop sequences in the westbound direction. Specifically, on MTHo and FrHo, the Edgware Road stop is 490015043L rather than 490015043Z. In the journey patterns for the former pair, the stops (and all subsequent stops) are unnumbered in the stop sequence.

Just for good measure, in one of the versions, all the stops are described as PTP, whereas in the other there is the correct mixture of PTP and OTH (something which appears to have been restored for recent new files).

I presume that the tumbleweed is still blowing through the office responsible for the 312. Wait long enough and it will get replaced?

I suspect that the school holiday times shouldn’t be there at all as they don’t show the widening of other days. Maybe that incoherence is more common than I realise as I would only spot it when the stop sequences differ (and my processing falls over!)