Missing Bus Timetable


I am a newbie…

I am trying to retrieve the timetable for the Bus 1 at stop point 490004733D using the API call -


The response return is:

“$type”: “Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.ApiError, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities”,
“timestampUtc”: “2020-02-09T18:15:03.2616251Z”,
“exceptionType”: “ApiArgumentException”,
“httpStatusCode”: 400,
“httpStatus”: “BadRequest”,
“relativeUri”: “/Line/1/Timetable/490004733D”,
“message”: “No direction could be found for stop: 490004733D on line: 1. The line may not serve this stop.”

I confirmed that line (bus) 1 does stop at 490004733D using the API call -

Please advice why the timetable appears to be missing.

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It is the last stop eastbound on route 1, so you would not expect to get departures. I would imagine that is how it is meant to work.

Thanks for your response.

Yes, it is the last stop. However, it would still have an associated timetable to inform passengers when it is expected to arrive.

Furthermore, arrival times can be obtained for the stop using the following API call