On importing stations from /line/mode/{mode}/timetables/, I found that a number of stations embedded in that endpoint are missing zone numbers (under the .stations.zone
key). For the tube and dlr modes, these are:
station_zones = {
'9400ZZLUHPK2': '2',
'9400ZZLUTCR4': '4',
'HUBWWA': '4',
'9400ZZLUBMY2': '2',
'9400ZZLUCWR3': '2',
'9400ZZLUKBN2': '2',
'9400ZZLUSWK2': '1',
'9400ZZLUBZP2': '2',
'9400ZZLUHTD2': '2/3',
'9400ZZLUASL2': '2',
'9400ZZLUCGN2': '1',
'9400ZZLUHRC2': '6',
'9400ZZLUKNB2': '1',
'9400ZZLULSQ4': '1',
'9400ZZLUHPC2': '1'
I notice that apart from Woolwich Arsenal, there are all 9400..N
NaptanRailAccessArea IDs rather than 940GZZ..
NaptanMetroStations - might be relevant? On that note, if anyone knows why NRAAs are given sometimes rather than the NMS, I’d be interested to know!