More information about statusSeverity

I’m trying to find some information about statusSeverity. What does 0 - 14 correspond to?

Found on this endpoint -

Hi @pdweb - welcome!

For most modes, it is as follows:

0, ‘Special Service’
1, ‘Closed’
2, ‘Suspended’
3, 'Part Suspended
4, ‘Planned Closure’
5, ‘Part Closure’
6, ‘Severe Delays’
7, ‘Reduced Service’
8, ‘Bus Service’
9, ‘Minor Delays’
10, ‘Good Service’
11, ‘Part Closed’
12, ‘Exit Only’
13, ‘No Step Free Access’
14, ‘Change of frequency’
15, ‘Diverted’
16, ‘Not Running’
17, ‘Issues Reported’
18, ‘No Issues’
19, ‘Information’
20, ‘No Service’

There are differences for Cable Car and Roads disruptions.

I believe these are mostly used to order disruptions shown on our website & apps.
