Tram countdown/arrivals info very inaccurate (5+ mins)

I am having issues with the accuracy of live arrivals/countdown information. I happen to live literally adjacent to a tram stop (Wandle Park) and can sit here with the official TfL trams countdown web app showing trams that are due (

My observations show that the data is inaccurate to around five minutes, whereas the platform displays are accurate to within 1 minute.

Why is there disparity between the platform displays and the API data? Is the API data simply an estimate based on the timetable?


We are looking into this issue and investigating the root cause. Hopefully, we would have a solution soon.

Digital Product Manager

Hi Charul,

FYI you guys have looked into this before and consequently reported it was all sorted even though I never identified any improvement when comparing your API to platform announcements. If you like, when you guys think you have fixed it I can go stand on the platform with my phone and confirm things.

I would appreciate it if you would share what steps have been taken to remedy this either way.

Best regards,

Appreciate your concern. We have done some testing on the stations and understand that this is an issue. I would be happy to share the steps that we have taken once we find the root cause. Would keep you updated, but might take some time.

Thanks, looking forward to the update! We only have one half-working tram arrivals app available on Android at the moment, but I’d also like to consume the API from a more niche project (Google Home) such that I can actually accurately decide when to leave home for a tram.


As far as I can tell this still hasn’t been resolved. Using any source that utilised the unified API, the timings are still way off. Is there any update?

It would be better to rollback to timetable time as at least that might be vaguely useful compared to ‘real time’ which is completely out.

Just wanted to follow up on the above. It’s very annoying that there is STILL a disparity!

Ping! Any official response?