Tube this weekend feed throwing 404

The endpoint at is broken. It’s been more than 2 weeks and no one noticed? Or the api is no longer being on active duty? If so where is the documentation + announcements?

Hi @syed-hoque We have posted about this here This Weekend Feed broken. Hope this helps!

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Hello, thanks for the update. Yes I have come across the post. But in the post we are told to use the alternative “” which is also 404ing. :frowning:
What should be my action now? Wait till the issue is being resolved?

Just tried that link and it’s working for me. Are you still experiencing the problem?

I’m afraid yes. Is the site behind a whitelisted IP or something?

No, it’s open data and I’m accessing it on a non networked laptop on non TfL WiFi. Could you try on another browser/machine perhaps? Meanwhile, I’ll see if our Service Team are aware of any issues.

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Hello @theochapple, thanks that worked. It seems it doesn’t like Firefox Developer Edition for some reason but on Chrome it works fine. So if I am to use the alternative link in my app for the moment what will happen when original link is being reinstated? Or that is going to be deprecated as OpenData is being migratd from to

Please advise.

Failing on Chrome 74.0.3729.108 (macOS) for me as of 17:00

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Holla! Wokring fine on Chrome running on macOS Mojave

On a different mac, in a different location, running a minor change in Chrome version (73.0.3683.103) it is also working for me today.