What is wrong with 180 on tfl app the board

Hi why is 180 bus is not coming up on the app and the bus stop on the board please thank you for couple of moths

As you are probably aware TfL has been suffering from the cyberattack back in September - see the sticky post at the top of the page and the thread
[UPDATED: 24 Oct]: Issues with Data Feeds - #111 by mjcarchive.

One of the consequences seems to have been difficulty in getting revised bus schedules into TfL systems. As a result, an increasing number of routes are reporting no predictions, or far fewer than they should be.

If you look at this thread

you will find 180 identified as one of these routes.

Hope that is helpful.

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Welcome @Lex

To add to @mjcarchive

This also has the same effect on both Google Maps (hardly any bus services shown in green for live) and also tfl.co.uk sidebar system.

Google Maps (who merge together timetables and live info in their system)



Capturing the 339 in TfL API…

Is half-a-service a glass-half-full question? The timetabled buses just seem to come out of the blue! The 339 is every 15 minutes which can see like a lifetime in winter when iBus allowed you to time your bus stop arrival in the most pleasant way…

Thank you to let me know

Google maps only provides live arrivals for a limited period (? 45 min) so stops often show a large number of arrivals in black even when predictions are normal.

@misar Like the TfL source data, there is only ever live data for a bus when it has departed the first bus stop on the route.

@briantist I’m not sure that is correct. Pick a route/direction with a good frequency and select the second stop which you know is just a few minutes from the departure stop. Then see which arrivals Google has in green.

I tested this with the 281 at Douglas Road (Stop M). Several 281s were showing in green long before their departure from Hounslow Bus Station (Stop A).

Hi. For buses, we provide predictions for the next 30 minutes. There is improved accuracy for buses that have started their journey.

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Thanks @LeonByford . My application only provides TfL predictions within 30 min but I wrote the code so long ago that I had forgotten whether it was my decision or the API.

@briantist Outside London I adopt the same approach as Google because the Traveline Nextbuses API only provides (separate) live predictions for some routes within a limited number of areas. From memory, a few of those areas may have live predictions for longer than 30 min.

Here is an example:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Routes not reporting predictions, or mapping incorrectly on bustimes.org