Where can I get the road disruption area in unified API?

We currently use the older XML TIMS file for traffic disruptions. Part of the XML file is a series of coordinates that define the area affected by the traffic disruption.

The new unified API doesn’t appear to provide the area affected by the incident. e.g. the JSON has a lineString attribute that has an array of two X,Y points in that defines a line (or a box), but many of the incidents affect a massive area, e.g. whenever there is a demonstration around Westminster, the affected area is very large.


Where can we get the affected area for each incident or disruption please?




Is streets->segments in https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Road/A2/Disruption what you are looking for?



Without checking the coords directly, that does look like the sort of stuff we need. We never found anything with a segments section. I think we need to look at the API very carefully work out what is possible.

The documentation isn’t that helpful though and more examples would be great.


Hi @rwillett

This may help you with your queries. My former colleague wrote a good blog article a few years back on this.



Thank you, that is useful.

Will TIMS ever go though? If TIMS (as the blog says) is the most definitive, we can carry on using that. The Unified API is nice, but we have written most of what the Unified API offers ourselves as it wasn’t around when we started. We would much prefer JSON to XML but we’ve done the code now so thats in the past.


@rwillett There are no imminent plans to remove access to the TIMS legacy feed although our long term aspiration is to migrate our open data users to using the API. However, at some point in the future (18 months to two years) there will be a new traffic feed. We recently announced a major programme to overhaul all our traffic systems and this will result in what we hope will be greatly improved traffic data for Greater London. Watch this space!


Thanks for the update. We will not divert the limited development resources we have (me!) until we have a better idea of what will be done :slight_smile:

One less thiung to worry about
