Who runs your bus

Well that’s the nub, really. Why will TfL already have the data in their systems somewhere for monitoring purposes? All they need to monitor is the performance of the route’s live running. For that they do not need the depot. If they don’t need it, odds are it will become inaccurate, even if it is recorded accurately spread across hundred of documents elsewhere.

Obviously fine to ask how easy it is to do but whether it is worth doing depends on whether “it” will actually enable you to do, that is to track of all one depot’s buses. If “it” has to be trip-based, that may make a heck of a difference to the cost and therefore whether it is worth doing.

If TfL are going to have to do it meet national guidelines that would change everything, of course.

Posts deleted as evidently mjcarchive knows best. Sorry for ever bothering.

That’s a pity as there is a good idea in there but now you won’t get feedback from the people who really matter and who know what they hold and in what form. Believe it or not, I want to know that too!

This is a forum and we learn from each other. All I was trying to do was to offer advice I hoped might help in developing the idea. If that’s come across differently to what I intended, I’m sorry.