Bus Stop Closed - Bromley South Stop Z

Bus Stop Closed due to works until 4pm 20 August. Use the nearby stop Y is displayed on the countdown for stop Z which is correct. I would have expected arrival times for buses 208, 336, 358, 261, 320, 61, N199 to temporarily be shown on stop Y’s countdown but they are not.

Is this something that could be easily done? The arrival info isn’t available on the tfl website either but must still be live on the API as its available through an external app (City Mapper). Not an issue for me as i still have access to the info but lots of huffing and puffing can be heard from the bus stop :rofl:

Screenshot from 2023-08-14 20-15-24


Hi, unfortunately prediction data for the affected routes are not available from either Stop Y or Stop Z.

I believe that when Citymapper displays times in that format (“20:19” as opposed to “2 min”), it is using timetable data, rather than live data.

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OK, Thanks Leon. Are they not working for a different reason?
That would make sense, except I did see that the countdown for stop Y was working and showing its “normal” bus info (119 etc). This was around 17:30 this evening and it may not be working now. I can say, Citymappers prediction was spot on for my bus arrival and the few before mine, which if they are using timetable data, its working well.

Our Countdown system will not generate predictions for a bus stop that is marked as closed, as is the case for Stop Z.

Predictions are being generated for Stop Y, but only for those routes that usually call at that stop.

OK, I thought it was worth an ask and i have at least learned a bit more about how the system works. Thanks for your reply.
