Bus stop does not populate any data

Hi there

This is my first post, I am sorry if I send this to the wrong forum. I think this is the right place.

I am trying to obtain info about next bus I have found that stop that I want to track the ID is 490G00009410, however, when I try to use this URL https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/490G00009410/Arrivals
I am just getting 1 , my guess is that I am not getting any data.

Am I doing something wrong?

This is the info about the stop
“$type”: “Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.SearchResponse, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities”,
“query”: “RectoryGrove”,
“total”: 1,
“matches”: [
“$type”: “Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.MatchedStop, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities”,
“icsId”: “1009410”,
“topMostParentId”: “490G00009410”,
“modes”: [
“id”: “490G00009410”,
“name”: “Rectory Grove”,
“lat”: 51.373321,
“lon”: -0.10942

Yes, definitely the right forum!

490G00009410 is the parent ID for two stops, so I suppose it falls over because it doesn’t refer to a single stop.

You need to use either 490009410W or 490014111N, depending which one you want. If there is a way of getting combined arrivals for the pair of stops, I haven’t found it but I’m no expert and maybe there is a different form of call that would do that.


yes that did the trick.
Thank you

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