Bus stop historical data?

Dear TfL Team,

Thanks for @briantist sharing the data, https://tfl.gov.uk/tfl/syndication/feeds/bus-sequences.csv, in https://techforum.tfl.gov.uk/t/bus-static-data/1597/1.

Now I am wondering whether there is any way to find the historical information of the bus stop location? I find https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/buses/bus-changes?intcmp=47904 provide some current bus stop changes, but I can not find all the bus-change records in the past.

I notice that https://tfl.gov.uk/info-for/open-data-users/our-open-data?intcmp=3671#on-this-page-3 updates the bus-sequence data weekly. Could I get the previous data released by TfL?

Many thanks for your reading! :grinning:


In theory you should be able to get old versions from UK Government Web Archive but in practice it’s not very good.

You might be able to use an FoI for what you want Make a request - Transport for London

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Thank you very much!!! I will have a try! :blush: