The weekly upload of these should have happened on Monday evening but as of (almost) Thursday morning it had not happened, or if it has there are no signs of it on the TfL Data Bucket page. Apparently there were some changes last weekend so there should have been an update.
Ia anyone actually there?
Still nothing as of late Thursday evening.
Still nothing (Monday morning).
The next upload is due tonight so I hope that whatever stopped it last week will not kick in again but the fact that nothing has been done to correct things in a week does not leave me very optimistic.
I appreciate that this is not as interesting as cutting edge developer work or trying to add functionality but where else can users raise matters? What might help is a dedicated contact to whom users can say “this process hasn’t one through”, which is rather different to (and more fundamental than) “this works in a funny way” or “this data item is wrong”.
It shouldn’t really be up to users to check whether or into a process has successfully completed, mind…
My lack of faith was justfied. No update last night either.
If anyone at TfL is reading this (which I am starting to doubt) could they please put a pound in the meter?
Now back to normal. Not that anyone seems to be reading this site any more.