Empty response from timetables and arrivals endpoints

am trying to access timetables, platform name, inbound, outbound information. I have tried pretty much every endpoint with different naptanIds

First link suggests that I can access the inbound/outbound data but I get no resource found

https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Line/Southeastern/Timetable/910GCANONST https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Line/Southeastern/Timetable/910GCANONST/outbound

This supposedly sends arrival information on stations https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/910GCANONST/Arrivals

I have also tried these with api keys - no difference.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Hi menthena,

I believe this is a broader issue with the Unified API - I just made a post “Timetable Links Broken with Same Inbound/Outbound Stop” but I have since found a solution adding get parameter direction (although annoying this isn’t recorded in TFL’s swagger file or Swagger UI site)

If you add a get parameter direction to url like Line/Southeastern/Timetable/910GCANONST?direction=inbound you will get the data you are looking for, the boiler plate response is misleading