Error 502. Countdown API

Countdown API is returning an error 502 for all requests.

Something went wrong?

Sorry for the inconvenience

Bad gateway

The web server reported a bad gateway error.

  • Ray ID: 836a725ab8b576a4
  • Your IP address:
  • Error reference number: 502
  • Cloudflare Location: London

@jamesevans please advise


This usually happens if you are being rate-limited. Are you using your app_key?

Resolved now. It was down for approx 3 hrs from ~22:39 - ~01:34.
TfL website and TfL go were not displaying arrival times either.

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hi @jason

There was an incident on the iBus system that caused a loss of predictions in Countdown and the Unified API that occurred late Saturday night. This appears to be a network issue in the iBus infrastructure (although this is not my area of expertise).

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Many thanks,