hCaptcha account.tfl.gov.uk wtf?

Did anyone actually test hCaptcha before deploying it on https://account.tfl.gov.uk/Login ?

Three problems:

  • The pictures are very poor contrast so hard to see on a small screen or with poor lighting conditions (like a sunny day on my cheap phone!)
  • The pictures of are items in the USA, which are an odd choice for a London England website to be using
  • Unlike the usual Captcha, it never seems to just let you in without asking for a game of picture-spotty

Hi @briantist - this captcha is actually deployed by our CDN provider. I’ll speak to them and discuss how this can be improved.


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There are multiple problems with the way hCaptcha is used on the website. Two hCaptcha prompts are now standard, and users have to login for a second time after completing the process. It’s too cumbersome for mobile use.

Welcome @PriceGate45

I must admit that I spent a lot of my day being told by AWS…


and by TfL

that I’m not human. I’m sure there used to be a Convention about this… :slight_smile:

Ah yes, it’s Section 6 of the UK HRA 1998 to which TfL is supposed to abide “It is unlawful for a public authority to act in a way which is incompatible with a Convention right.”

I’m quite sure that TfL has no right whatsoever in law to demand that people demonstrate that they are humans.