Is there a way to get a journey planner request to return more results?

Is there a way to get a journey planner request to return more results? For example, a call to: /Journey/JourneyResults/51.51630%2C-0.17547/to/51.50745%2C-0.12810?date=20170928&time=0827&mode=tube
will return four results, three of which are tube and one of which is entirely walking. Is it possible to specify the number of results desired?

Thanks for the help!


The Journey Planner endpoint is currently only able to give 3 public transport results.

However, we recognise that the “best” journey result for an individual isn’t always going to be in the top 3 fastest results. We’re hoping to provide more journey results per request in the future, so that active, cheaper, more comfortable etc. alternatives appear, and these might be filtered for by our own front end and those of other apps using the JP endpoint.

This work is in its early stages so I’m currently unable to suggest exactly when it might be delivered.

Still only 3? Or any progress since 2018. Thank you

If you include the includeAlternativeRoutes=true argument in your request URL, you may receive additional journey results. For example, with this request I receive five public transport journeys and a walking journey:

Is there a particular number of results that would be ideal for you?

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