Journey Planner Internal Server Error

Hi there

I’ve recently come into a problem with the Journey Planner element of the Unified API feed. See example below and screenshot attached.

This example journey is working for anything within the next few weeks but is returning an error for dates from around the end of December (2019) and into 2020. This isn’t just my feed doing this, this is also the same when I run test/ example cases on the TFL API site (TfL Unified API), therefore I’m guessing this isn’t just a usage/ cache issue.

Grateful for any pointers on how I might resolve.

Many thanks

“$type”: “Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.ApiError, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities”,
“timestampUtc”: “2019-11-25T10:08:11.3482237Z”,
“name”: “Internal”,
“exceptionType”: “ArgumentException”,
“httpStatusCode”: 500,
“httpStatus”: “InternalServerError”,
“relativeUri”: “/Journey/JourneyResults/cardiff%20central%20rail%20station/to/birmingham%20new%20street%20rail%20station?nationalSearch=true&date=20200202”,
“message”: “An internal server error occurred.”

Just to add some comments on this. No errors seem to be returning for dates up to and including the 23 December. Dates beyond this point and into 2020 are returning errors.
Many thanks

hi @mrmatthewhicks

Apologies for the delay in response.

You are correct. Our Journey Planner calendar was needed to be extended beyond 23rd December. This was done in the last couple of weeks so you should be able to go further into the future.
