Live Bus arrivals information unavailable

We are unable to show live bus arrivals in the Unified API at present due to an incident. There appears to be some power issue to the data centre. We will update here once it is resolved


Thank you - hopefully it will be restored shortly.

I’ve been in two TfL data centres but not me today! :grin:


I know this is often difficult to answer in these sorts of circumstances, but if there’s possibly an indication of when this might be resolved, would it be possible to post here. Thanks!

We also asked the same question @Mulder and unfortunately they do not know :worried: it seems to be a power issue at one of the supplier’s data centres (not TfL’s)

Does TFL (or whatever other body is primarily responsible for the data) really subcontract important work to random suppliers without first doing a proper appraisal of their capabilities, including plural locations and/or the existence of generator or battery backup to take over when power fails?

If it doesn’t, its perhaps something that the relevant Quality Manager ought to very strongly review.

Hi all, the power issue has been resolved overnight. @harry - Thanks for your feedback. This is something our incident management teams will be bringing up during the post-incident review