I’m getting the “hosepipe” feed for my rail replacement bus services and everything is working OK, apart from the odd unexpected space or linefeed.
But… I’m getting a bus stop location that reports as
string(5) “OC993”
string(4) “NONE”
Which doesn’t seem to be OK - normally “undefined” bus stops for Rail Replacement services are coded "RR55 or similar?
Thanks .
I can tell you where it is - Newbury Park Station - but not why location is shown as undefined.
The working timetable for UL51 (available online via Bus schedules - Transport for London or, ahem, London Bus Timetable Graveyard) shows a full set of metadata for this stop. The code OC993 suggests that it is an existing stop; perhaps it has not actually been in use for ages though and whatever services the feed that you are using has never had location entered but I’m guessing.
The stop doesn’t seem to be used by regular services such as the 66.
OC993 is classified as a “dummy stop” on the east side of Newbury Park forecourt and is in practice a temporary “dolly” stop which is placed there when replacement buses operate.
OC prefix codes are in effect miscellaneous stops - some are non-TfL stops outside London such as in Hertfordshire, but served by routes such as the 142 and 258, they are also used on Hail and Ride routes in some cases as well, as well as for replacement buses as in this case. It’s relatively rare for new ones to be added as there are new HC and RR sequences for Hail and Ride and Rail replacement respectively, as well as a TS series for temporary stops. New fixed stops in Greater London tend to be prefixed BP now.
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Brialliant, that’s very useful to know,
Is the main “.csv” list of bus routes due for an update, and will it contain the likes of OC993 as the TfL-Rail replacments are going to run all year?