No vehicles from Arriva Croydon (TC) in the Countdown feed today (26/08)


No buses since start of service today recorded on routes 166, 194, 312, 405, 412 & 466 and only one bus recorded today on the 60.

Also some routes through the Notting Hill Carnival area not reporting anything. This may be not unconnected with the normal operating depot being slap bang in the middle of the carnival zone! The 13, 218, 414 and C3 are examples. Nothing reported despite files having been loaded to Datastore last week and working timetables being available this morning. AFAIK they should be operating to normal times via the normal routeing so the failure to report is particularly odd. The diverted 70 reports next to nothing and the curtailed 28 absolutely nothing but Datastore and the WTTs have nothing for these. The 28 is today curtailed at both ends; I have this image of the buses with their feet up somewhere taking on rum and coke rather than diesel! The curtailed 295 looks OK.

FWIW there appear to be extras on 7 18 31 148 and 328 with the usual split service on 52. The limited stop 36X is running with buses apparently returning southbound as extra 36s. All these appear to be reporting fine, as out other diverted and curtailed routes.

“FWIW there appear to be extras on 7 18 31 148 and 328 with the usual split service on 52. The limited stop 36X is running with buses apparently returning southbound as extra 36s. All these appear to be reporting fine, as out other diverted and curtailed routes.”

Strangely, we seem to have a Y36S(LineID)/36(LineName) which are the return trips for the 36X vehicles. The recent FoI request stop sequence file showed the 36X as from Peckham to Harrow Road and the Y36 from Harrow Road to Camberwell, whereas this Y36S is running to New Cross Gate…

Oh and to get back on topic, only one vehicle showing from TC today but on the 194 rather than the 60, although somewhat peculiarly, it’s the same bus as was on the 60 yesterday - DW315 (LJ10CVB).



Just looking at the Countdown raw data, we have routes Y13, Y218, Y414 and YC3.


Of course! No Y28 or Y70 though!

I think Y36S is duplicating what the bog standard 36 is showing. In fact, when I look at some other routes like 18 or 228 I get similar duplication. But not for 218 etc. Inconsistent treatment somewhere in the system.

31 and 328 are not reporting now either. With or without a Y.

If the same Croydon bus is reporting as yesterday my idle and entirely unevidenced speculation would be a software update that one bus managed to dodge!

In regards to the NHC routes, there was a mismatch in the LineIDs and LineNames, in the Countdown API data at least. Some of the routes had the Y prefix in both fields whilst others only had it in the ‘non-public’ field and the normal route number in the other field (and one day, I will remember which is which!).

Back to TC and a little improvement today:

Route Garage Buses
60 Arriva, Croydon 2
166 Arriva, Croydon 2
194 Arriva, Croydon 2
312 Arriva, Croydon 5
405 Arriva, Croydon 1
412 Arriva, Croydon 1
466 Arriva, Croydon 2

@jamesevans are you able to shed any light on this please?

Thanks in advance,


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hi @SJCooper - I’ve been informed there was an issue pushing iBus data to buses that operate out of South Croydon bus garage. Most buses on these routes were not reporting predictions because of this.

The data was re-pushed last night so some affected buses will now be reporting and we expect all buses on these routes to be updated tonight.



@SJCooper - I’ve had a look at prediction levels on these routes and they seem a lot healthier. Please let us know if there’s any further issues.

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