TrackerNet Service Status

We’re using to pick up the TfL service status however we’ve noticed that there are differences in what’s returned on this feed and what’s returned via the unified API and presented on the TfL website.

For example TracketNet currently shows the Overground status as ‘good service’ however the API and the TfL website are reporting ‘Reduced Service’ between Gospel Oak and Barking.

Any help with this would be appreciated - I’m very new to these feeds!



Hi @abolton We would always recommend using the Unified API rather than TrackerNet or any of our legacy feeds. The Unified API powers our website so you will get a consistent status for our network from there. It’s also supported 24/7. You can find status under /Line…TfL Unified API. Don’t forget to register and get a key so you get full access to our API. Hope this helps!

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Many thanks @theochapple - we’ll look to see what we can do about swapping to the unified API.
