Bus Working Timetables mostly gone AWOL

Just seen this after a break in Bruges. I’ve only looked at one affected file - the 5 Gf file - and unfortunately it still shows the issue on page 7. No much point in my looking at further files known to have had the error. At least not yet.

The upload seems to have completed OK again so that issue seems to be solved. The E5 files are also correct once more.

Indeed, two new occurrences. The 55 Fr and MT are affected. The versions they replaced were not.

Full update went through this morning Superimposition problem still with us (e g 55 Fr still affected).

Next week many routes get substantially recast. For example 23 will run to Aldwych instead of Hammersmith. If (as often happens) onoy the new Sa and Sun WTTs get uploaded next Sunday then for the following week we will have 23 WTTs for Sa and Su showing the service to Aldwych and MF WTTs showing it running to Hammersmith. OK, it is not that important but it is just a little bit absurd … and avoidable, as there are examples of the MF WTT for the following week being loaded on the Sunday (for example the 259 this week). Who decides when a WTT becomes current (or, if it is automated, how) and can the process be made sensible and consistent?

Very full update yesterday morning. I am pleased to say that the new WTTs for Mon-Fri were included; long may that continue.

On the minus side the superimposition problem is still with is.

One specific problem file, the 26 Sunday WTT, which appears to have omitted three journeys from Hackney Wick (trips 63, 65 and 67). @gerardbutler might wish to note that the Journey Planner file in Datastore is also affected. So too is the set of stop specific timetables available via the website.

Finally, a bump for the issue that, as Eric Morecambe might have said, the right trips are shown but not necessarily in the right order!

@neamanshafiq Two new files with superimpositions to report, the FrHo (one way) and MTHo (both way) files for the 111.

I note in passing that several operators’ routes have been affected by this, so it is not just one individual at an operator doing something wrong.

Whatever your supplier did a few weeks ago appears to have had zero effect.

Thanks @mjcarchive. The supplier think they have a fix for this and are just trying to nail down a date with TfL when they can deploy this.

Ah, I’d taken it that the fix was already in place but had no succeeded. Happy to check the outcome once it is in place.

A new oddity to report, just for the record. The new 129 Su WTT southbound has the first two timing points in the wrong order! I’m used to rows being in the wrong order (and understand the dodgy logic that causes it) but stops in the wrong order?

Just to note that two of the new N83 files have been created and loaded as Sa and Su instead of SaNtr and SuNt!

I would like to update on the superimposition issue … But it looks like there was no update at all this morning.

@mjcarchive I think this might be related to TfL’s mitigation activities in place for MOVEit . I’ll make some enquiries to see if the files can be shared and uploaded manually

Thanks. I presume no alternative method has been found (yet).

MOVEIt is a much bigger issue of course and I suppose these extremely non-sensitive files are collateral damage for now. I understand that patches have been issued so I would hope that the break in uploading will be short-lived.

Just to note that the upload was back to normal this morning.

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Thanks @mjcarchive - the job was restored earlier in the week so good to see the data flowing again

@mjarchive are you able to see if this is still occurring? I’ve been advised that the supplier have released a fix for this last week so any files dated after 25 June in the S3 bucket should be ok in theory.

On a sample of two, it does now look OK.

To tidy up something else, the latest 129 Su WTT corrects the error in stop ordering s/b mentioned above.

You would be disappointed in me if I didn’t have any new issues to raise, so…

Two new(ish) oddities. On the 17 MF WTT, trip 30 from London Bridge is clearly timed too early on departure from London Bridge (it is fine at subsequent timing points). This bus runs dead from the garage to LB and I suspect that what is shown is the arrival rather than departure time. Something similar on the 274 MF schedule (trip 175), though curiously not on similar trips dead form the garage on Sa. (I’ve commented on trips being out of order before now but that is a different issue.)

Finally, I observe that the verbose descriptions of the service change which came in when the format changed have (for new service changes form this week) been replaced by very little (as with the old format). So we are back with “helpful” descriptions like “SCHEDULE” or “Stop Sequence Change”. I know some of the verbose descriptions were in fluent TfLSpeak and not designed for the public but it is a shame to no longer know instantly that there has been a frequency change (251 this week) or which stops have changed (a whole bunch in - I think - Fleet Street this week).