Travel time, Distance and Route_id

Hello everyone,

I am a Master’s Degree Student in Statistics, working on the TFL Network for an important project.
I have trouble using the API tools and would like to request your help to access this data :

  • Travel time between all pairs of stations (or at least adjacent ones)
  • Distances between adjacent stations
  • Correspondance between Route_id and Stations Crossed through the route.

Also I would like to use this data on R, so I would need a format that R can manage .

Thanking you in advance.

Trinity College Dublin

Hi Tom, welcome to the forum!

Have you looked at the Journey Planner timetables (which are in TransXChange format) that are linked to from this page?:

Hello and thanks for your answer.

As I said I have lots of trouble using the API tool as it is my first time dealing with this type of content.
Could you explain me in more detail how I could get all the data I am searching for ? I can only get them one by one for now…

I am no expert on this but some time ago I found a website which you may find helpful. It seems University of Leeds are (were?) working on similar projects to yourself.

The TransXChange data can be downloaded from:
Note that this is a large dataset, which expands to a few GBs.

You can refer to the JourneyPatternTimingLink elements:

<JourneyPatternTimingLink id="JPL_1-JUB-_-y05-870844-85-O-2-5">
	<From SequenceNumber="4">
	<To SequenceNumber="5">

As indicated by the RunTime element, there is a travel time of three minutes between Kingsbury (9400ZZLUKBY2) and Wembley Park (9400ZZLUWYP2).

For this, refer to the RouteLink element::

<RouteLink id="RL_1-JUB-_-y05-870844-O-2-4">

The Distance element indicates a distance of 2,926 metres between these two stations.

The following diagram from the TransXChange schema guide shows how JourneyPatternTimingLink, RouteLink, StopPoint and Line relate:

What I am looking for is a list of the correspondance for the routeid column. I have nothing to link this id to a path in my graph.

This looks like data from NUMBAT, which I am not too familiar with – sorry.

This dataset is produced by our Public Transport Service Planning team. Have you tried contacting them at [email protected]?