/Line/Route/Sequence with No stopPointSequences

If I have Ctrl+End on my smartphone, I haven’t found it yet.

I use Chrome on my phone, which gives me scroll bars and a page n/nnn option for jumping into the middle. Some mobile browsers also have an option to tap in the top r.h. corner to jump to top/bottom. That said, if this is a real problem for people, I have no issues with switching to a new thread - probably with a slightly more useful title.

I have not read all the previous 140+ posts over the past 2 years but would be interested to know why updates constantly introduce bizarre route errors which seem to remain until they are noted on here.

Surely it is possible to devise a way of updating a database w/o more than the occasional human error such as a typo?

misar, I think it’s probably because the API presents data accumulated from a number of different sources, each of which has its own update regime. Changes in the underlying systems will produce inconsistencies and conflicts which are then replicated into the view we see through the API.

Following the discussion about the length of this thread, I’m going to start a new one with either a 6 month or 1 year lifetime

New thread:
Problems with /Line/Route/Sequence 16/5/19-31/12/19

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